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Experiment in construction
I was particularly interested in the work of Ferry Staverman , Angela O'Kelly and Jason Cheng who all have taken ideas of repeating motifs arond a central core.
I then made a ' sandwich' of two lengths of deep blue satin taffeta with two thicknesses of iron on vilene to join them together.

Image 10
Wire framework 13 inches X 2.5 inches)
I cut two sections of inch square wire mesh and laid one over the other to give .5 in x 1in rectangles.
I then used a metallic/ mohair thread to wind over the edges, both to cover the metal and ,also, to bind the two pieces of mesh together.

From this stiff sandwich ,using a template of a butterfly wing,' I cut out a series of identical shapes. I painted the edges of the wings with silver paint and then stitched each one in place along the length of the covered wire mesh .
I then oversewed the edges again with the metallic /mohair yarn , threading it between the butterfly shapes and the wire framework . This gave an added stiffness to the shapes and helped them to stand out at rightangles from the framework. I then made the wire framework into a circle/ bracelet shape and stitched the ends together.
The finished piece has a diameter of 3.25 inches.
Research into textile artists 5hours
Construction of wire framework and bracelet 9 hours.
Photography, editing , typing etc 2.5 hours
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