Monday, 14 March 2011

Further design work 3rd assessment piece

IMAGE 1 SIZE (16INS x13 INS) Painted fabric background. IMAGE 2 (SIZE A3) Textured paper experiments I used a variety of papers and methods to achieve textures and various degrees of transparency within paper shapes and cut outs . On the left, narrow strips of painted paper were threaded through dyed nyon mesh in the top shape while, in the bottom shape, wider strips of painted paper were overlaid with the painted nylon mesh. In the long sample, to the right of the above , painted papers were formed in a curving wave shape at the top and then overlaid with nylon mesh in deeper wave shapes. At the bottom the paper was put through a crimper to create wave shapes. Again, moving right, the top sample was formed by winding strips of painted tissue paper around kebab sticks, removing the sticks, and then gluing them on to a painted paper background. Below this, scraps of painted tissue were torn off and glued on to a painted paper background. Along the bottom, glue trails were painted and applied. On the far right of the sample ,at the top, abaca fibre was painted and glued over pencils to form rolling wave shapes. Once the glue was partially dry the pencils were removed. Underneath this are two more painted tissue paper samples , one with horizontal and one with vertical 'waves' formed in a crimper. At the bottom right a tissue paper sample has been formed into a curve and glued on to from a 3D shape.
Dyed thread experiments
This image shows a variety of threads dyed in the proposed colour scheme of the proposed piece to be comprised of sail shaped panels. IMAGE 4 (SIZE 16 INS x 13 INS)
Embroidery method experiments
The dyed threads from the image above were used to experiment with a number of textured embroidery stitches ( echoing the paper experiments) which could be employed in working the sail shaped panels.
Working from the top left these include----
Novelty cotton and silk yarn couched down in zig zags.
Below this ribbon has been used to cover piping cord to create rolls.
Below the ribbon sample is couched gummed silk and curly Wensleydale wool .
The final sample, at the bottom left, is formed from ribbon and mohair yarns stiched to folded painted bondaweb. This has been partially covered by stitched, painted and waxed scrim with pulled threads to give greater transparency.
Across the embroidery experiments there are a number of differing uses of this scrim fabric,some flat stitched and some in curving 3D shapes .
Moving to the right across the sample there is silk noile yarn worked in curves of whipped backstitch.
Below this is a small square sample using commercial stranded yarns worked over cocktail sticks which were then removed after stitching.
Slightly to the right and below this are bands of dyed silk boucle yarn couched down in a rectangle.
Below this the dyed felted cotton boucle yarn has been used to form a boat shape with an openwork scrim sail.
At the top right of the samples, Tussah silk has been threaded through painted nylon mesh.
Below this strips of painted handmade paper have been overstitched with dyed cotton viscose and lurex yarn.

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